M-Class Podcast

A rowdy, goofy Star Trek watch club podcast with a heart of gold starring Jeff Pennington and Josh Henderson. On iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, SoundCloud, & Everywhere!

Journey to Babel (TOS)

Latest Episode

We christen our brand new Daddy Collection with the first appearance of the coldest father figure in the franchise - Sarek! But we also meet a cavalcade of space weirdos and learn the future has Make-More-Blood pills? Sign me up!

Next Episode: The Visitor - DS9 4x02 -2/26/25
Guest Starring Rich Masters!

Current Collection /created by Rich Masters

Rich Masters' "Daddy Collection"
M-Class Podcast

Josh Henderson - Host/ Editor
Philadelphia born and raised, also co-host of Continue?, a hilarious video game-centric Youtube show 10 years running, and Storylords, a prompt-based fiction podcast where he has ressurected the beloved fantasy tales of Daranos. Noted redhead supremacist. Also did your mom, probably.
BlueSky || Instagram

M-Class Podcast

Jeff Pennington - Host/ Artist
Born and then escaped West Virginia with his life, also co-hosts Storylords, a prompt-based fiction podcast where he spooks the pants right off of your buttcheeks with pulp horror tales. Freelance artist and comic creator/ pallid night ghoul. May have told this story on the podcast before.
BlueSky || Website