A rowdy, goofy Star Trek watch club podcast with a heart of gold starring Jeff Pennington and Josh Henderson. On iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, SoundCloud, & Everywhere!
Latest Episode
In yet another episode where the Trek Bois are forced to feel their own feelings we discuss the lack of morality in Starfleet Admirals, which Offspring album is best, and the humanity within robutts. Also it's funny!
Next Episode: Indiscretion - DS9 4x04 -3/26/25
Current Collection /created by Rich Masters

Josh Henderson - Host/ Editor
Philadelphia born and raised, also co-host of Continue?, a hilarious video game-centric Youtube show 10 years running, and Storylords, a prompt-based fiction podcast where he has ressurected the beloved fantasy tales of Daranos. Noted redhead supremacist. Also did your mom, probably.
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Jeff Pennington - Host/ Artist
Born and then escaped West Virginia with his life, also co-hosts Storylords, a prompt-based fiction podcast where he spooks the pants right off of your buttcheeks with pulp horror tales. Freelance artist and comic creator/ pallid night ghoul. May have told this story on the podcast before.
BlueSky || Website